New Year resolutions – do you make them?? I saw someone post that new year on Instagram is hilarious. Open one post and it’s telling you to make all the goals, be better, achieve more etc etc and then open another one and It’s all about acceptance, staying as you are, not needing to change and appreciating where you’re at. Isn’t that so true, we are bombarded with these types of quotes and sayings, is it any wonder we end up feeling despondent if we listen too closely to any of them.
Personally, I think I’m somewhere in between these two examples. I get a little bit excited about setting goals and making lists for a new week so I have to admit I do like to think a bit about what might be on my to do list for the new year but for the most part, I have to say that if me and my family stay happy and healthy for another year then I’ll be pretty happy too – I’m a simple soul at heart.
So here’s a little summary of things I’m hoping to focus on in 2020. I’m not putting too much pressure on myself but they are things I want to be important to me – I hope they aren’t too cliché…
I think this one makes it onto my list almost every year. I am a massive worrier and a lot of the wonderful times in our lives, holidays, trips etc end up being overshadowed for me by my worry. I always tend to focus on what could go wrong rather than be excited for what’s to come and I really want to try not to be like that all the time. On that note I kind of want to combine this one with ‘more fun family times’ as a goal too, we had some amazing holidays and days out last year and I’m so grateful for them.

Is listening to an audio book still reading?? I’m not sure… I love reading fiction but recently I’ve been getting more into self-development type podcasts and blogs and I want to start listening to audio books while I work too so that I can be expanding my knowledge and learning while I’m working, cleaning or going about my daily life. I’ve downloaded Audible and I’m ready to go, please do let me have any of your audio book recommendations in the comments or on Instagram, I’m very open to suggestions.
I started getting into yoga a couple of years ago and I have been sporadic with it to say the least. However, an increasingly bad back and neck from sewing so much is forcing me to realise I need to make this more of a priority in my life because it really does help. The time that works best for me is first thing in the morning before anyone else gets up, I’ve learned that if I think I’ll do it later in the day it just won’t get done. So I’m setting my alarm for 6am and attempting around 25 minutes a day at least, I’ve been following Yoga with Adriene videos on YouTube and I’m really enjoying them. I really hope I stick to it – watch this space…
A couple of years ago I followed the Couch to 5k app on my phone in April with the goal to run a 5k Race for Life in July. I can honestly say that I felt so good while I was running, I ran the 5k in a good time and felt so proud that I had achieved my goal but guess what, as soon as that Race for Life was over I stopped running – I need a goal. So this year I am going to sign up again and I’m thinking of doing the 10k – after all you don’t have to run all the way so no pressure right? I’m looking forward to getting back into it, I really want to try and make fitness a higher priority this year.

I always feel as though I should be growing my business, expanding and getting bigger but at the end of last year I came to the conclusion that actually, maybe I don’t. My goal with this way of working was always that I wanted to be around for the children while they are still young and at school but also to make some extra income to help us out at the same time and I’m so grateful to say that at the moment that’s what the business is. That’s not to say that I don’t want to change a few things this year. I want to change my product range, update it, introduce more products, blog more and spend more time on photography because I actually enjoy the creativity of photography and blogging.
I’ll maybe want to grow the business when my children are older of course, I have some plans in mind but all in good time.

Just before Christmas I started a new blog just for my dressmaking and I absolutely love it! I also started guest blogging for a few fabric companies which was so much fun and it has been so lovely to connect with other people who love sewing as much as I do. I also launched a YouTube channel alongside the blog to talk about my makes and hopefully to eventually to start some tutorials and teaching. This has given me so much joy so far and I really want to continue to grow these outlets and see where they take me. I’ll pop the links down below if you’re interested in having a look and following along with that aspect of my sewing.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to grow or be better or aim high but I also think it’s extremely important to be thankful for what you have in the here and now and I want to continue to write down one thing each day that I’m grateful for, I started doing this last year and it really is such a great thing to do. My current planner has space for me to do this so that should remind me.
Phew, I think that’s about it. Really hoping I can at least keep up the fitness goals until February 😉
I’d love to know what your new year goals and resolutions are – please do comment below or on Instagram and let me know.
Lots of love as always
Sally xx
Secret Life of a Seamstress Blog –
Instagram: @secret_life_of_a_seamstress
YouTube: Secret Life of a Seamstress
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